.S N=11 .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .B ALTBW .S V=P .D ._ P .!CLRT .P "You enter a room with a central dias. .P "On the dais is a pedestal holding a .P "magnificent jade bowl. .$ P !LOOK .P "You are in an inner chamber. .P "A passage leads out to the .P "main room. LOOK BOWL .!CLRT .P "The bowl appears to have some carvings .P "on it's bottom. LOOK CARVI .!CLRT .P "You must pick up the bowl to see them. %OU.. %BK.. .3 ROOM 9.2 .!GOTO %GTBW .S TC(16)=0 .S TL(16)=255 .C 0,P,0 .V 12 .P "As you lift the bowl from it's resting .P "place, you feel the floor drop rapidly. .L L,TUN TRVL .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .B TBBKG .S V=P .D .B TBLFA .S V=P .D .B TBLFB .S V=P .D .B TBTPA .S V=P .D .B TBTPB .S V=P .D .B TBRTE .S V=P .D .B TBFPA .S Y=2 .S V=P .D .B TBFPB .S V=P .D .!MORE ._ P .!CLRT .P "After you and Raoul pick yourselves up .P "off the floor, you look around. .$ P .!MORE .S GE(6)=7 .S N=16 .3 ROOM 13.0 .!GOTO @@@@@